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Where do we lack?

This post is specially made a conversation between women.

DISCLAIMER: This post doesn't mean everyone, it relates to only some of the women.

Hiiii dear beauties,
                                Have you ever thought why people dump us sometimes? I don't know how to say but its like..... Ok, let me help myself by explaining this with an example.
     If a girl drives a geared bike or studies in the department of mechanical engineering or doing the works that usually men do...  Some people (NOT ALL) will ask "Wow how a girl can do all the works that a man does? It's amazing". Here let me explain the thing that I wanted to explain, Here the person applauses the girl first by comparing with the works that a man does. And the person gets excited by the fact the girl is potential as like men.
Now let me ask a question why it is a unique thing that a girl equally potential as like men we all are humans right? Then why should you compare a girl with men all are humans and why does this comparison happen? It's because they think that we women are soft and we are not fit to do hard activities that men do. Ok now let's discuss are women supporting each other?
      No, we are not supporting each other we are gossiping about each other (NOT ALL BUT SOME). Yes, maybe this is one of the criteria for a guy or a girl to think that a girl is not eligible to do the works that man do.

         Now let me share an incident with you all 2 weeks before I went RTO office to take the license for four wheelers (car) and there I got a woman as my companion. We both were discussing some random things about driving the car and our anxiety when we are going to test drive in front of the  RTO officer. While having a discussion about this we both saw a girl who was standing at some distance away from us and she was there to take the license for the geared bike. By seeing the girl I said to the lady that "It feels good of the women community to see most of the girls are in the equal potential to men ".  As soon as I said this she said to me that "This is not good ma. Scooters are developed for the sake of women then why should they use a vehicle that a man drives? This is an unwanted behaviour to make everyone to notice her".I didn't like that but I can't express my opposing opinion to her talk. At that time I was thinking, why women can't be equal to men. I these modern days we are adopting various modernisations but why we are not accepting this and I again thought that why can't a woman support another woman, in these days men (NOT ALL BUT SOME) are accepting the girl's act of being equal to them but still now some women don't like this and they are talking at the back of those women who are capable of doing any work. So, we are lacking in this thing that we women are not supporting other women (NOT ALL BUT SOME).


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