Protagonist of the story is Ayan and his grandfather (Gopal Shankar). The main content of the story is how Ayan, the guy who is always controlled by his father overcomes his fear of his dad and how Gopal Shankar had a happy life with his best friend Rohini.
If you are person who loves to recollect good old memories, then for sure you will like the novel.
Summary :
In the beginning Ayan works in an MNC at Pune, due to some reasons he was fired. Eventhough there was no fault in his part he got fired and he get lots of harsh scolding from his dad. When Ayan's dad was scolding he came to know that Ayan got this job because of his dad's recommendation and not for his efficiency. This made Ayan get frustrated.
Since Ayan don't have any job right now his dad ordered him to go to Poongavanam in Kerala where his Grandfather (Gopal Shankar) lives, to take care of his grandfather as he had some medical issues.
Jairaj (father of Ayan) made Ayan and Gopal Shankar's life difficult with lots of greediness. But this was not permanent they both recovered from that problem quickly. After that problem Gopal Shankar asks his grandson, Ayan to read his diaries which are from 1980s.
These diaries changed both of their lives. At the end Ayan turns to be a guy who is nomore scared of his dad.
The thing that I loved the most is the recollection of memories. Because I am a person who loves to recollect memories and I always wanted to know how the life was, when there is no invasion of mobile phones.
The part that I loved in the story was,
- When Ayan walks in Gopal Shankar's life and it felt like Ayan had a time travel
- The next one was the letters 😍😍😍😍😍😍 Gopal and his friend Rohini communicated through letters and these letters are preserved by Gopal Shankar. As mentioned in the earlier posts letters have something magical.
- Description of Thekker Madam 😍. You can feel it once you read it
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